Friday 12 November 2010

And Haitao but in the meantime

en to him no less nagging, and finally to a nagging you then do to stay in the hospital and discharged jimmy choo three Lee be considered closed, and Haitao but in the meantime,

love to see the three books in the Spring and Autumn and the like, and which The trick to keep in mind.

Shoudi Xia wherever he goes, pretty good business, great income, Long Hao East to the audit did not too, because for him, money is our brothers, not the individual.

All right, he pulled Pengxue Yao play everywhere, the feelings of the two is becoming increasingly strong at the moment, the line known schools, Long Hao Jimmy Choo H&M Peng Xueyao

East, kissed her forehead before reluctantly let go into the classroom watched Peng Xueyao and turned around to the school gate, guard room Paul Anha the waist Long

Hao East Duixiao escort her face out of school, for fear that the strong bullying the weak people, the dragon is no goodwill from the Ho Tung, not ignore out school.

Group members outside of the two long black Honda car door open, respectful of the patrol car on the Long Hao East, the two group members are Laifei Long Long singled

out for the best young skill to protect the Long Hao East, after all, the two month is time, nothing happened that David Lord, which made long Hao East is also very

peace of mind, merit, regardless of which mob boss was touched to their scope will not be inaction, whether Shoulong or revenge, so more than two people around, Long

Hao East does not charge rate, it is natural to take side, the car is the last time against Peter Lo, Ouyang Feng fall, and after renovation of what will become Long

Bo Hao East car.

"Ge, where to?" The driver is seat of the Dragon group member asked.

"To the training ground." Smile Long Hao East Road, the car slowly started to exercise. .

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